Music News

There are only two days left to get the best band entered to perform at Floodfest ! Out of over 1,200 bands I made it up to 3rd position so far . Please help me to make it to Number One ! I even entered a month late . I really need this win to further my music career . Music is my only source of income so I really need this win . When you listen to my music it will be that moment that you will see why this is my own job :-) I have the most awesome band . These guys are the pro's ! I am a humble musician and I believe in supporting other artist as well . But this time I hope you think its KBK all the way ! You can help me by clicking on the link and playing my music and sharing it on facebook twitter or where ever you may travel across the internet . I really need your help . I write the songs that I sing to you ! KBK

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